Lights Out! Cats In!

One of the ways that our community can be more bird-friendly is by taking part in the national Lights Out effort. 

WNY YBC Mentor Alex Sidare estimates 700,000 to over 2.5 million birds die annually in WNY alone from residential window collisions. When commercial buildings are included in estimates, this would at least double. Recent research suggests these numbers may be underestimates. Light pollution doesn't just harm birds either - it plays a huge role in our ecology! Adopting this practice here in WNY is particularly important as our region is a central place for migratory birds moving through our Niagara River Corridor Globally Significant Important Bird Area. In WNY, we have a particular responsibility for the impact of light pollution given our region's history in being "The City of Light" - one of the first places to have electricity in the world

We also call attention to the role of outdoor cats in bird mortality annually with a staggering estimate of 1-4 BILLION birds killed by cats in the U.S. alone each year. And like window collisions, this is likely an underestimate. Research also suggests that staying indoors is better for your cat's health too! Read more at

For these reasons, we as you to join us in saying


What can you do to help?

What to do when you find: