The WNY Young Birder Club was started by Maisie (11) and Sam (14) Hebrank in January 2022 to connect with other kiddos who love birds as much as they do. Birds!!!!! The WNY Young Birder Club is supported by Jenn Lodi-Smith Hebrank and lots of the wonderful folks in our local nature community. It is one of dozens of young birder organizations around the country.
The club organizes events and serves as a resource for our community to can connect with family-friendly birding experiences. We recognize that birding is often a quiet and calm activity that doesn't always match the exuberance of young birders - we are creating a space where enthusiastic joy in birds can take flight!
The WNY YBC operates in partnership with Birds on the Niagara, an international Buffalo-based organization celebrating birds, conservation, and social justice. For more information visit https://bird-niagara.org/.
WNY YBC leaders featured on the What is your Favorite Bird? Birds on the Niagara Series!
Learn more about Young Birder Clubs at https://ebird.org/about/resources/for-young-birders/young-birder-clubs. Also check out the ABA's young birder supports at https://www.aba.org/aba-young-birders/.