Gear Freecycle & Little Free Library

Did you upgrade to a better scope or outgrow a favorite birding t-shirt? Do you need to trim down your field guide collection or rehome some old bird feeders? Donate your gently used* birding gear! Gear can range from optics and cameras to books to clothes and warm weather gear to feeders, dvds, and more - anything potentially bird-related is fair game! All gear is inventoried here. 

The WNY Young Birder Club, The Spark Bird Project, Feminist Bird Club, and Birds on the Niagara will work with community partners to redistribute gear to individuals who love birds but may not have the resources to afford birding gear and/or folks just starting their birding journey. Please contact one of these organizations if you would like to donate or receive birding gear! 

*please only gear in good, working order - volunteers to help receive and repair damaged gear would be greatly appreciated!

John Welte Library

Borrow, Take, or Donate! 

With gratitude to the family of John Welte for their generous donation of his birding library to start this resource.